Valerie fromSimply 4 God passed this award on to me. This award Valerie has given me is called the "Faithful Servant Award Sowing Seeds of Love". I would truly like to receive my crown for faithfulness.

"Jill created the Faithful Servant Award because she was grateful for the many friends she’s met along her blogging journey. In her words: “Many of you have touched my heart and life in ways that have changed me eternally! I thank you for being a faithful servant and being obedient to the upward calling every time you share a piece of His heart living out in you! I pray that you will share this award with others who have touched your heart by sowing seeds of love into your life! They will know we are His by how we love one another! Let us sow seeds of love throughout the blogging world and touch the hearts of those who come to read what we all share! To HIM be all the glory forever and ever! AMEN!"
I would like to pass this award on to my dear sister Hanna at Channel of Healing who truly eptomises the word Faithful. I Thank God that I have met you along the journey. You are truly a blessing and a Faithful Servant of the Lord.Thank you for continually Sowing Seeds of Love.
I would also like to pass it on to Lauren over at Faith Fuel who is one of the most Faithful Servants I have met since I have been blogging. Thank you for the Seeds of Love you have sown and I am quite certain you will continue to sow.
Hi Sis, am so grateful to God that you recieved this award, you truly deserve to get it and I give God Almighty all the Glory for passing it to me. it is trully humbling to me and I Say thank you for loving me sis
I love you too!!!
I read your article on your pipes being clogged up....what wonderful timing! thank you-your are an awesome encouragement to me and others I'm sure!
God bless!!
Thank you for that commendation. I really am touched by your words.
Congratulations Gi...another well-deserved award. Keep Sowing Seeds...all the glory to God!!
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