Someone asked me recently, how is it that I am so knowledgeable, the reason is because I read a lot, like a book every week. Its a habit I developed from Bible School, having to read so many books.
Beginning this week I would like to share with you what I am currently reading.
Breaking Generational Curses and Pulling Down Strongholds by Vito Rallo
You are saved, baptized and full of the Holy Ghost, yet there are some areas that you are still struggling to get victory.When we got saved the spirit man was born again , but the strongholds that were allowed previously into our lives were never dealt with. After going to God and confessing and repenting of your sins, there are still some habits that seems not to go..You keep doing the same thing over and over . It becomes repetitious and this can signal that there is a stronghold in your life
Many of the things going on in our lives such as fears, jealousy, mental illness, hatred, low self-esteem, gluttony, rejection, anger ,sexual perversions, spiritual heaviness fear are frequently related to what are called generational curses.. Curses which can be passed down from generation to generation, often times without you even being aware of their presence and yet have the ability to affect you.
Maybe you always seem to fail at your job and you can never keep one for more than a few months at a time. Did your father perhaps have the same problem and some uncle or some relative show the same tendency? You see these curses can skip a generation. If that is the case, you may have just identified a family generational curse. You can now stand against it specifically all the time and push it back so that it will not affect you.
Certain curses seem to affect certain aspects of our lives. Many times there is a curse of sickness and disease that runs in a family, There is hypertension or diabetes, or cancer or fibroids just to name a few. When you look at your family lineage, your grandparents, parents and now you or your sibling or even your child suffers with the same problem. It will continue down to your children and grandchildren and so on until you break it off.
Or perhaps there is a curse that is related to finances.You need to take a look at your own life and ask yourself what areas you are not blessed in. If you are not being blessed particularly in the area of finances and health or if you seem to have continual breakages or things going wrong with equipment, have a good look and see if you can see a pattern developing there.
Or you can recall words of anger and bitterness , negative words spoken over your life by some one in authority. You may already identify strongholds even as you are reading this. You can renounce those curses, reverse them and give them back to Satan in the name of Jesus.You have the authority to stand against the enemy and be set free. This book not only identifies the family generational curses and strongholds, it also tells you how to deal with them so that you can walk in liberty and freedom.
In Hosea 4:6 it says God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.When you don't have knowledge about something, sometimes its devastating. My siblings all went through this because they did not have the knowledge about generational curses and strongholds back then.
I believe that every Christian should read this book.This is a powerful book, it shows how people are living there lives, going through all kinds of situations and cycles and not having a clue of what is going on. All they know is that they don't seem to be able to live a life of freedom.
Steps to Breaking Generational Curses
Get book here.
Truly God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
This is astounding, I can see a lot of things in my family, that I did not understand before.
Can you give me a link to this book ?
I will put a search box on the page and I will also put a link in the post
Hello Gi,
generational curses can be broken and Amen to that. What i have learned is that once they are broken you must make sure that you do not open the door to that curse again or else it will come back 7x stronger.
For example when a child is raised in a home of alcholics most likely he will become an acholic as well. But if He is set free and delivered it will more than likely not be passed on to his children. But if he opens the door and welcomes drinking back into his life he is now worse off than before and his children are now at risk.
This happened in our home. But praise be to God, He came in and showed Himself strong and that curse was broken for good! The Devil was defeated and God had the victory in our family.
Great post! Blessings to you Gi
Thank you.
I have been blogging since 2008
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