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December 11, 2008

Your Blog Teaches Me Award

To God be the Glory for the great and mighty things He has done.

I have be blessed with yet another award from Channel Of Healing.
It is "Your Blog Teaches Me Something New All The Time" Award.
I would like to pass this award onto the following blogs.

Caregiver Chronicle
The New Covenant
Encouragement From My Heart
Be About Your Fathers Business
Joshua Method
A Passionate Pursuit
Faith Fuel
Hope For Each Day
Leon Basin

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Joyfulsister said...

Thank you Gi..
You know when I first saw the title of your blog I smiled, because Hope has been always a reminder to me that no matter what I go through that is totally out of my hands, I know I that I can snuggle in the palm of my fathers hands and he will take over and carry me through it. You have been a blessing, you have given your readers a place of hope to come to and feast delightfully upon his words.You are so dserving of this award and I just want to say thanks for finding my blog an inspiration to you as well.

Hugz Lorie

Anonymous said...

Congrats my friend on your much deserved award. I must ask your forgiveness for not thanking you for naming my blog as "blog of the week." I am going to post it on my blog right now! All honor and praise to the Lord for you and the award! I love you, thank you and God bless you!

Sherri Watt said...

Hi Gi,

Thank you so much for the award!!! Your blog also teaches me! God Bless!!

Lori Laws said...

Wow Gi! Excellent! I would have passed this onto you, but saw it was already passed! Congrats to you!

Addicted to Beadz said...


Thank you my friend for sharing with me!



Gi said...

Thank you Lorie

Indeed we must have hope in God less we give up.

Gi said...

Thank you Val

You deserve every one of those award you receive.

Gi said...

Thank you Sherri.
It is good when we can recognize our brothers and sisters and what they are doing in the Kingdom

Be blessed

Gi said...

Thank you Lorie

You are a treasure and thanks for thinking about me.

Leon1234 said...

Thank you Gi for the award:)

Gi said...

Thank you Leon, you are welcome

Gi said...

Thank you Cherly

ThomasCSlater said...

Hi Gilliam, thank you for the Christian Blog Of The Week Award! Wasn't sure where to post my thank you, so I decided to put it here, sorry if it's off subject. Congrats on,"Your Blog Teaches Me Award"! Keep on fighting the good fight, glory to God in the highest!

Gi said...

That's okay Thomas. Thank you and be blessed

Repentance is a God given opportunity to enter into the blessings of the Lord and escape from the oppression of the enemy.
If you haven't ask Jesus into your heart as Savior and asked Him to forgive you of your sins, it is as simple as following these steps:

1) ADMIT YOU HAVE SINNED. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

2) BELIEVE IN JESUS. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

3) CONFESS AND LEAVE YOUR SIN. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

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About Me

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A Christian who loves to write about christian living, spiritual health and self improvement. I pray daily that the love and grace of God will be poured out through my life to others, so that those who are in bondage can be delivered and the captives set free. I remind myself daily that whether or not I have "witnessed" I am still a witness in everything I do.