Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Hearken diligently unto me and eat what is good and your soul will delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live.
(Isaiah 55:2-3)
You may think your schedule is already full so you don't have time for God, you say I wish I had more time.
Sure it would be nice to pray and read the bible every morning.But as it is now you barely have time for a shower and cereal while you check the weather report.
It might even be nice to try church once a week, to sit in a pew near the back and gently reflect back while the music plays.
But Sunday is your only day to sleep late and you can't give it up.
Who has time for God anyhow?
You should
Take a step back and look at the big picture, reevaluate your priorities according to what's important.
Are the things you are investing your time in, things that will last? things that will really make a difference?
What will you have to show for your hard work and frantic pace when you come to the end of your life?
If you are too busy for God then you are too busy.
We know about tithing our money, isn't it about time we began to tithe our time, and give back to God the time that is due Him. If you are not giving God anytime or enough time how do you expect to have what you are looking for when you have no time for the one who is in charge, the giver of time
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field"
(Matthew 13:44)
A place of encouragement where you can find hope, build your faith, receive prayers and words of wisdom.
June 26, 2008
June 24, 2008
Promises - Persecution
And Jesus answered and said, Verily, I say unto you. There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother ,or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the gospel's.
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecution and in the world to come eternal life.(Mark 10: 29-30)
God promised that for anything we leave or anything we give up in this lifetime for the gospel's sake we will receive a hundredfold in return.
If He said it , shall come to pass in your life not in the sweet by and by but in this lifetime. However He also said that it will come with persecution.
Therefore when persecution comes you must make a conscious decision to be committed, consistent and to stand firm on what God said.
Persecution comes in many forms.Storms and distractions comes to get you to give up on the word of God
When you receive a revelation or a word you must be ready for an attack.When ever you get ready to act on what God has placed in you the enemy always shows up with distractions.
Mark 4:15 declares that immediately after the word is sown Satan comes, why?
Persecution will arise for the word sake.
Distraction is meant to break your focus, because people who are not focused tend to fail in life.Many projects are started but they never get done. James 1:8 says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
We believe God on Sunday, we are all pumped up but give up by Wednesday.
It takes commitment to see possession.
It was the enemy that distracted Peter from focusing on Jesus when he got out of the boat and began to walk on water.He took his eyes off Jesus and began to see the waves, he was afraid.He lost his focus and began to sink.
Before you meet your destination there are going to be some midway crisis..
There is purpose for your storm.Hebrews 6:1 says the promises are inherited through faith and your patience.You have faith, you believe that God is going to do what He says but often times the problem is not your faith but your patience.
"My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience".(James 1:2-3)
But the same storm the enemy sends to distract you and destroy you is the storm God will use to develop patience so you can inherit the promises.So you need to come to the understanding that there is purpose for the storms in your life.
Don't let the devil use it to destroy you, let God use the storm for your good.
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecution and in the world to come eternal life.(Mark 10: 29-30)
God promised that for anything we leave or anything we give up in this lifetime for the gospel's sake we will receive a hundredfold in return.
If He said it , shall come to pass in your life not in the sweet by and by but in this lifetime. However He also said that it will come with persecution.
Therefore when persecution comes you must make a conscious decision to be committed, consistent and to stand firm on what God said.
Persecution comes in many forms.Storms and distractions comes to get you to give up on the word of God
When you receive a revelation or a word you must be ready for an attack.When ever you get ready to act on what God has placed in you the enemy always shows up with distractions.
Mark 4:15 declares that immediately after the word is sown Satan comes, why?
Persecution will arise for the word sake.
Distraction is meant to break your focus, because people who are not focused tend to fail in life.Many projects are started but they never get done. James 1:8 says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
We believe God on Sunday, we are all pumped up but give up by Wednesday.
It takes commitment to see possession.
It was the enemy that distracted Peter from focusing on Jesus when he got out of the boat and began to walk on water.He took his eyes off Jesus and began to see the waves, he was afraid.He lost his focus and began to sink.
Before you meet your destination there are going to be some midway crisis..
There is purpose for your storm.Hebrews 6:1 says the promises are inherited through faith and your patience.You have faith, you believe that God is going to do what He says but often times the problem is not your faith but your patience.
"My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience".(James 1:2-3)
But the same storm the enemy sends to distract you and destroy you is the storm God will use to develop patience so you can inherit the promises.So you need to come to the understanding that there is purpose for the storms in your life.
Don't let the devil use it to destroy you, let God use the storm for your good.
June 21, 2008
Take no Offense
"But if we [really] are living and walking in the Light as He [Himself] is in the Light, we have [true, unbroken] fellowship with one another."
(1 John 1:7)
One area of our lives we believers need to particularly guard is the area of our relationships. We simply have to heed the Word of God where they're concerned. Let's not fuss with one another and criticize one another so much that we hinder the forces that God has given us to make us successful in this world.
Whenever you find yourself stumbling into failure or sin, check your love life. Sit down with the Lord and ask Him to show you if you're in strife with anyone or if you've taken offense. If you have, the devil can come in and trip you up.
Remember, taking offense never comes from God. He says we're to be rooted and grounded in love. So reject those feelings of offense. Give yourself to that person in love and in prayer. You'll be able to walk right on through that situation without ever stumbling at all.
Mark 4:17 tells us the devil uses those kinds of offenses to steal the Word from our hearts. He causes us to get crosswise with each other. Then he's able to pull the plug right out of us and drain the Word like water from a bucket.
Don't ever let that happen to you. If you hear another believer saying something that rubs you the wrong way and you catch yourself getting offended say, "Oh no you don't. You're not stealing the Word out of me, you lying devil." Then get right down on your knees and repent before God.
Search the Word and listen to the Spirit within you and find out what you should do. If you still feel what that person said to you was wrong, pray for him.
Strife also causes trouble in the spirit realm. It opens the door to the devil. It keeps our prayers from being answered. It even keeps our angels from moving on our behalf!
Peter wrote to husbands in 1 Peter 3:7 to live considerately with their wives. He said, "...bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker sex, since you are joint-heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered." Husbands and wives. Parents and children. Co-workers. Fellow church members. All of us need to wake up to the danger of strife and start walking in love.
Shed the light of God's Word on your relationships. Dig into and get a revelation of the fact that we are all part of each other. Recognize that, as Ephesians tells us, we are one Body and one Spirit, and be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of that Spirit (Eph. 4:3-4).
Let the power of God flow in all of your relationships. Learn to walk in the light!
(1 John 1:7)
One area of our lives we believers need to particularly guard is the area of our relationships. We simply have to heed the Word of God where they're concerned. Let's not fuss with one another and criticize one another so much that we hinder the forces that God has given us to make us successful in this world.
Whenever you find yourself stumbling into failure or sin, check your love life. Sit down with the Lord and ask Him to show you if you're in strife with anyone or if you've taken offense. If you have, the devil can come in and trip you up.
Remember, taking offense never comes from God. He says we're to be rooted and grounded in love. So reject those feelings of offense. Give yourself to that person in love and in prayer. You'll be able to walk right on through that situation without ever stumbling at all.
Mark 4:17 tells us the devil uses those kinds of offenses to steal the Word from our hearts. He causes us to get crosswise with each other. Then he's able to pull the plug right out of us and drain the Word like water from a bucket.
Don't ever let that happen to you. If you hear another believer saying something that rubs you the wrong way and you catch yourself getting offended say, "Oh no you don't. You're not stealing the Word out of me, you lying devil." Then get right down on your knees and repent before God.
Search the Word and listen to the Spirit within you and find out what you should do. If you still feel what that person said to you was wrong, pray for him.
Strife also causes trouble in the spirit realm. It opens the door to the devil. It keeps our prayers from being answered. It even keeps our angels from moving on our behalf!
Peter wrote to husbands in 1 Peter 3:7 to live considerately with their wives. He said, "...bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker sex, since you are joint-heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered." Husbands and wives. Parents and children. Co-workers. Fellow church members. All of us need to wake up to the danger of strife and start walking in love.
Shed the light of God's Word on your relationships. Dig into and get a revelation of the fact that we are all part of each other. Recognize that, as Ephesians tells us, we are one Body and one Spirit, and be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of that Spirit (Eph. 4:3-4).
Let the power of God flow in all of your relationships. Learn to walk in the light!
June 20, 2008
We need each other
"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."
(John 17:21)
It's time we, as believers, began to enter into the oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17:21. It's time we held onto one another in good times as well as bad. It's time we realized that we need one another.
We do, you know. I need your faith as much as you need mine. Together, we can face anything and win in Jesus.
Let me show you why. In John 3:34, God says Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure. He was more powerful than all the demons of hell and all wicked spirits of all classes, including Satan himself. He was able to defeat their power combined.
Now consider this. We are His Body. Each of us has been given the measure of faith according to Romans 12:1-3. That measure is enough to take care of our own personal needs. However, there is more involved here than just our own personal lives.
We have a world to win! We are the end-time generation. We need all the help we can get. But, thank God, we can get all the help we need!
How? By joining together. Ephesians 4:13 says that when we all come together in the unity of the faith, we'll have "the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."
In other words, when the Body of Christ comes together and begins to function as one, we'll have the Holy Spirit without measure--just like Jesus did! We'll begin to see ministries functioning in the fullness of their callings. We'll begin to see manifestations of the Holy Spirit in full measure. We'll see Jesus in fullness as we've never seen Him before.
Then the world will know the Father sent Him.
Step into that oneness today. Start today making a daily effort to make yourself available to God to pray for others. Start your day by saying, "Holy Spirit, use me to pray for someone today. I offer You my measure of faith."
Once we truly join together in faith, all the demons of hell won't be able to overcome us. We'll march right over them in the fullness of the power of Jesus and bring the age to a glorious close!
(John 17:21)
It's time we, as believers, began to enter into the oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17:21. It's time we held onto one another in good times as well as bad. It's time we realized that we need one another.
We do, you know. I need your faith as much as you need mine. Together, we can face anything and win in Jesus.
Let me show you why. In John 3:34, God says Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure. He was more powerful than all the demons of hell and all wicked spirits of all classes, including Satan himself. He was able to defeat their power combined.
Now consider this. We are His Body. Each of us has been given the measure of faith according to Romans 12:1-3. That measure is enough to take care of our own personal needs. However, there is more involved here than just our own personal lives.
We have a world to win! We are the end-time generation. We need all the help we can get. But, thank God, we can get all the help we need!
How? By joining together. Ephesians 4:13 says that when we all come together in the unity of the faith, we'll have "the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."
In other words, when the Body of Christ comes together and begins to function as one, we'll have the Holy Spirit without measure--just like Jesus did! We'll begin to see ministries functioning in the fullness of their callings. We'll begin to see manifestations of the Holy Spirit in full measure. We'll see Jesus in fullness as we've never seen Him before.
Then the world will know the Father sent Him.
Step into that oneness today. Start today making a daily effort to make yourself available to God to pray for others. Start your day by saying, "Holy Spirit, use me to pray for someone today. I offer You my measure of faith."
Once we truly join together in faith, all the demons of hell won't be able to overcome us. We'll march right over them in the fullness of the power of Jesus and bring the age to a glorious close!
June 18, 2008
Who Holds the Key ?
"I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them...they are fallen under my feet."
(Psalm 18:37-38)
If you've been standing around worrying about what the devil is doing, it's time you did something about it. It's time you put that devil under your feet!
Jesus has already given you all the power and authority you need to do it. He's given you the keys of the kingdom. He's promised you that whatever you declare locked on earth is locked in heaven and whatever you declare unlocked on earth is unlocked in the heavenlies (Matt. 16:19). That means you can speak the Word and bind wicked spirits. You can speak the Word and loose the angelic forces of God to work in your behalf.
What's more, you've been given the power that enables you to use the mighty Name of Jesus. A Name that's above every other name. A Name which will cause every knee to bow--in heaven, in earth, and under the earth! (Phil. 2:9-10).
So don't waste time worrying about the devil. Take authority over him. Bind the evil spirits that try to destroy your home, your life, your finances and your family. Loose God's Word and enforce it with the Name of Jesus.
You hold the keys. Learn to use them and before long the devil will be worrying about you!
(Psalm 18:37-38)
If you've been standing around worrying about what the devil is doing, it's time you did something about it. It's time you put that devil under your feet!
Jesus has already given you all the power and authority you need to do it. He's given you the keys of the kingdom. He's promised you that whatever you declare locked on earth is locked in heaven and whatever you declare unlocked on earth is unlocked in the heavenlies (Matt. 16:19). That means you can speak the Word and bind wicked spirits. You can speak the Word and loose the angelic forces of God to work in your behalf.
What's more, you've been given the power that enables you to use the mighty Name of Jesus. A Name that's above every other name. A Name which will cause every knee to bow--in heaven, in earth, and under the earth! (Phil. 2:9-10).
So don't waste time worrying about the devil. Take authority over him. Bind the evil spirits that try to destroy your home, your life, your finances and your family. Loose God's Word and enforce it with the Name of Jesus.
You hold the keys. Learn to use them and before long the devil will be worrying about you!
June 12, 2008
To attain the destiny God has promised us, we must know how to go through a difficult period -- and then get up and move on so we can finish the race
We must have the ability to endure.
What ever comes our way we must be able to endure it like a good soldier, and see God brings us out victorious
Man will put up barriers to block your progress, and keep you in the position they want you to be in.These strongholds are designed to oppress you .
To overcome any barriers or stronghold you must let your mind be renewed you must deal with it and embrace God's system of doing things!
When your steps are ordered by God, you live by what His Word says.
His Word says that all things are possible for those who believe (Matthew 19:26)
Endurance and patience "perfect" us for our promises (James 1:3-4
With His help, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)!
So recognize any barricade to attaining the promise of God in your life as a "stronghold" -- and embrace God's Word.
We must have the ability to endure.
What ever comes our way we must be able to endure it like a good soldier, and see God brings us out victorious
Man will put up barriers to block your progress, and keep you in the position they want you to be in.These strongholds are designed to oppress you .
To overcome any barriers or stronghold you must let your mind be renewed you must deal with it and embrace God's system of doing things!
When your steps are ordered by God, you live by what His Word says.
His Word says that all things are possible for those who believe (Matthew 19:26)
Endurance and patience "perfect" us for our promises (James 1:3-4
With His help, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)!
So recognize any barricade to attaining the promise of God in your life as a "stronghold" -- and embrace God's Word.
June 5, 2008
Evaluate Your Self Esteem
In developing into the person God has designed you to be, it's important to begin to esteem yourself as God esteems you. It's important to evaluate your self-esteem!
Is your self-esteem positive, high-quality, and healthy self-esteem... the kind of esteem God desires you to have? Or is it negative, low-quality, unhealthy self-esteem?
Here are some essentials to developing the self-esteem God desires for you:
A sense of unconditional worth and value.
This means believing you are valuable regardless of what anyone else says or thinks – knowing with inner certainty that you are precious, unique, and "all that!"
The ability to grow and share that comes out of your sense of unconditional worth and unconditional love.
Once they are in place, a natural upward spiral of growing, loving, and sharing of yourself, your talents, and your blessings will manifest out of your positive, high-quality, and healthy self-esteem!
So take the time to discover where you are in this process... evaluate your self-esteem.
Is your self-esteem positive, high-quality, and healthy self-esteem... the kind of esteem God desires you to have? Or is it negative, low-quality, unhealthy self-esteem?
Here are some essentials to developing the self-esteem God desires for you:
A sense of unconditional worth and value.
This means believing you are valuable regardless of what anyone else says or thinks – knowing with inner certainty that you are precious, unique, and "all that!"
The ability to grow and share that comes out of your sense of unconditional worth and unconditional love.
Once they are in place, a natural upward spiral of growing, loving, and sharing of yourself, your talents, and your blessings will manifest out of your positive, high-quality, and healthy self-esteem!
So take the time to discover where you are in this process... evaluate your self-esteem.
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If you haven't ask Jesus into your heart as Savior and asked Him to forgive you of your sins, it is as simple as following these steps:
1) ADMIT YOU HAVE SINNED. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
2) BELIEVE IN JESUS. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
3) CONFESS AND LEAVE YOUR SIN. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)
Prayer Request
About Me

- A Christian who loves to write about christian living, spiritual health and self improvement. I pray daily that the love and grace of God will be poured out through my life to others, so that those who are in bondage can be delivered and the captives set free. I remind myself daily that whether or not I have "witnessed" I am still a witness in everything I do.